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Coming Soon
Coming Soon


Characters Page is online!

So far i've filled out the pages for Herc, Toxi, and Roxy. Golden Age's art will be an update of it's own because hooooly damn is there a lot of that. Coming additions will be proper spots for artist credits and some of my own comments on each pic.


After a little break I'm back for a MAJOR rework on the site today. The issues with the navigation panel not saying put on the side of the site has been fixed and has been applied sitewide. The shoe collection page is looking a lot more like an actual gallery now as well. Big upgrade from the single column of too-big pictures.


Put up the first set of the shoe collection. mostly more recent aquisitions like the Kellianas and the Converse CTAS. I stole some time away from my actual job to do it even. Thank you neocities for letting you edit on the phone.


Added CSS to the site and a cute picture of Herc. Also Uplodaded the first selection of the collection to the collection page. I'm going to classify them by the type of shoe they are, rather than by brands or anything like that. I figure that's how most people nagivate online shops so it'd make sense to more of the audience to do it that way.


I got all of the inital pages done and linked to each other today. I've also linked out to my socials and added a quick blurb to the 3d printing page. It's really just there so I can say I've got at least some content on there.

It'd be nice if I could have a way to just inject the common stuff on the page like the header and the nav bar, but neocities either makes that impossible by not giving me access to php or I'm just too lazy to look into what else may work. copy/paste it is for now.


The website is born! I'm largely just going to maintain this as a place to easily access and share all of my content and collections outside of social media, given how unsteady that whole situtaion seems at the moment. Plus this way I can just link here anytime I want to post something new to all of my accounts and it'll be way less work.